About Bethel
We are a church family!
Join us as we study God's Word, worship, pray, and challenge each other to grow spiritually. Be an active part of our church family and see how your love for the Lord and others deepens. Let us know how we can pray for you as you seek the Lord's leading in your life and how we can encourage you in your walk with the Lord!
"If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us." ~ 1 John 4:12

Our Purpose:
Bethel Baptist Church exists to glorify God by leading souls to Christ and training them to be faithful disciples. We will accomplish this by . . .
Magnifying God in our worship: Through Biblical preaching and God-centered music. (Colossians 1:28; Ephesians 5:19)
Maturing God’s family: Through discipleship and training. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Ministering to God’s family: Through Biblical counseling and a call to service. (Colossians 3:16)
Motivating God’s family: To be unified in the Spirit and encouraged through fellowship. (Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 1:27)
Mirroring God’s love: By welcoming all people who desire to worship and live for Christ. (Romans 10:12)
Multiplying God’s family: Through local evangelism and world missions. (Acts 1:8)
Our History:
Bethel Baptist Cary held its first service on May 7, 1972. On that first day, seventeen people met at the home of Don and Jean Harold, led by Pastor Bobby Jordan with the help of his wife Sandra and their family. Services were later moved to Mrs. Lola Frank's workshop, on the corner of Old Apex Highway and High House Road, when more space was needed for Sunday School.
As the ministry grew, 2.5 acres of land were purchased at the current West Chatham Street location and the first building was built. Blessed by continued growth, the Education Building was constructed in 1979 and the church purchased approximately 3 more acres of land, used for many years as overflow parking and for outdoor games. In 1983, the current sanctuary, additional Sunday School rooms, and larger nurseries were completed. To expand further, additional acres were acquired and the Jordan Family Life Center, the new educational wing, and the administrative offices were built and dedicated for ministry use in 2003.
For more than 50 years, the Lord has abundantly blessed Bethel Baptist Cary through the faithful service of many individuals, including three senior pastors, several youth/assistant pastors, and 100's of volunteer members. Bethel Baptist Cary continues to gather together to worship and serve our awesome God, minister to one another, and share the Gospel of Christ worldwide and locally.
"Unto Him be glory in the church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages."
- Ephesians 3:21
"Bethel is still standing, but not standing still."

Our Facilities:
When joining us for worship, park in the Trimble lot and use the sanctuary entrance. When joining us for fellowships in the Jordan Family Life Center, park in the Chatham lot and use the double glass doors.
For details about Growth Groups click on the Growth Groups icon.
What to Expect:
Attire: We don't have a dress requirement at our church. Regardless of what you wear, we hope you are comfortable as you worship with us.​
Welcome Center: Stop by our Welcome Center to pick up a Welcome Bag which includes a water bottle, a visitor card, and a copy of The Bethel Buzz with details about upcoming church events.​​​​ Visitor cards may be dropped off in the lobby's offering box. ​​​​
Music: Hymnals and projected lyrics make it easy to join the congregational singing. Most music is accompanied by a pianist and our small orchestra team.
Preaching: Pastor Norman preaches standalone/solo messages or a sermon series spanning multiple weeks or months. A particular series may be based on one book of the Bible (such as Proverbs), a section of passages (such as the Sermon on the Mount), or a theme (such as "Who Am I?" which is a study of various people from God's word).
Giving: Conveniently, offerings may be placed in the lobby's offering box or given online via our church website. ​​