Our Staff
We are thankful for godly leaders who faithfully shepherd over and serve our church family.
Our staff enjoys meeting visitors, so please introduce yourself when you visit.

Brian Norman
Senior Pastor
Pastor Norman began his ministry with the Bethel family in 2012. He graduated from Bob Jones University in 1994 and earned a Doctorate degree in Biblical Exposition from Andersonville Seminary. He and Laura have served in various positions of ministry in many places including Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York. Pastor Norman has been involved in Youth Ministry, Outreach, and Senior Pastoral ministry. Pastor and Laura have been married for over 30 years and they have three wonderful children. Pastor enjoys studying, spending time with his family, and sports. Pastor’s burden and mission for Bethel is to make, mature, and mobilize authentic followers of Jesus Christ!

Justin Wilbur
Assistant Pastor
Pastor Justin answered God’s call to full time ministry when he was 16. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from West Coast Baptist College in 2019. He majored in Church Ministries with a minor in Youth Ministries. He and Jaime have served faithfully in their home churches until the Lord brought them together to be married in December of 2022. Shortly after, they joined the Bethel ministry in 2023. Pastor Justin has been involved in Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Outreach ministry. Pastor enjoys studying, reading, hiking, baseball, and drinking coffee. His burden and mission for Bethel is to disciple the next generation to have a heart to serve Christ!

Bobby Jordan
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Jordan graduated from Piedmont Baptist College (Carolina University) in 1966 and started the Bethel Baptist Cary ministry in 1972. He served as the Senior Pastor of the church for 35 years before retiring. He continues to stay active in church ministry as he faithfully attends services, attends Primetimers activities, and graciously drives the bus for various church activities. He enjoys reading and is a history buff on the city of Raleigh and the town of Cary. Pastor and Sandra have been married for more than 50 years and have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Don Alexander
Music Director
Don attended Baptist Bible College and majored in Voice. He began serving as the Music Director in 2013. Each week, Don puts his whole heart into the music ministry as he leads the congregational songs and as he directs the choir and the orchestra. Don carefully makes sure every aspect of the music ministry is consistently Biblical. Don and Joanne have been members since 1995. They have two grown children.

Janet Houck
Administrative Assistant
Janet graduated from Shippensburg University. She served as the church secretary from 2008-2010 and rejoined the staff as an administrative assistant in 2018. Her initiative to refine office procedures and her willingness to wear many hats make her a blessing. She loves to work alongside the church family. Janet sings in the choir. In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, gardening and visiting her two adult children.
Our Deacons

Pat Bostic
Pat joined Bethel Baptist Cary in 1996. Pat served as the Awana Commander from 2010-2018, leading the team's efforts to minister to Bethel's children and to children brought by bus to the church from nearby Cary neighborhoods. Pat teaches the Koinonia class on Sunday mornings. He also has a huge heart for serving others and is quick to pitch in and help at a moment's notice when various needs arise. He and his wife Wendy have two sons.

Bart Houck
Bart and Janet joined Bethel Baptist Cary in 1994. Bart teaches the Grace Class on Sunday mornings, serves as the Family Bible Study Superintendent, and sings in the choir. Bart’s heart for service and his wisdom make him a great addition to the leadership team. Janet is Bethel's administrative assistant and sings in the choir. Bart and Janet have two grown children.

Erik Melton
Erik and Cena joined the Bethel family in 2019. Erik teaches the Teen/Young Adult class on Sunday mornings, sings in the choir, and often helps lead the congregational singing. Cena helps Erik minister to the Teens/Young Adults and she also heads up the kitchen crew and fellowship events. Erik and Cena have two adult sons.

Jason Murray
Jason has been a member of Bethel since 2012. Jason has been a mainstay for our church's sound team. He and his wife Jessica devote a lot of time and energy to our youth as they minister to Bethel's children by faithfully leading the Children's Church ministry on Sunday mornings and the Kids4Truth Club most Sunday nights. Jessica also sings in the choir. They have one daughter.

Alex Paul
Alex and his wife Gwen actively minister in their Family Bible Study classes. Gwen teaches a children's class and Alex taught the Grace class for many years and continues to attend and serve as a mentor. He is also a blessing when he substitute teaches. Alex and Gwen enjoy the Primetimers activities. Gwen is also a Biblical counselor and sings in the choir. Alex and Gwen joined Bethel in 1995. They have two adult sons. Their faithful examples are an encouragement to those who are following in their footsteps.

Chris Petersen
Chris and his wife Amy have been members of Bethel Baptist Cary since 2002. Chris co-teaches the 3rd to 6th grade Family Bible Study class, sings in the choir, serves on the Missions Committee, and updates messages on Bethel's street sign. Amy is the Nursery Director. Both of their lives are fine examples of servant-leadership, as they frequently and cheerfully help in the kitchen. They have three adult children.

Steve Sanderford
Steve and his wife Pam have been members of Bethel since 2003. Steve is outgoing and friendly and does a great job greeting folks as he holds the door open and welcomes each person who comes into church on Sunday mornings. Steve also serves on the security team. Pam can be found in the lobby greeting folks with her warm smile and kind words as they navigate to their FBS classes or to worship services. Pam also serves on the Missions Committee. Steve and Pam have three adult children.