Bethel Ministries
Bethel Baptist Cary offers ministries for every season or stage of life.
We minister to babies, singles and couples, families, empty-nesters, and retirees.
Participating in events is a great way to connect with others.
Click on the News tab or on the link below for event dates and details.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1
Ministries by Life Stages
Infants & Toddlers (Ages 0-3)
Parents and grandparents are welcome to leave their little ones in the nursery during Growth Group time and during Sunday AM worship services. Be sure to share your cell number with the nursery workers so they can easily reach you if a need arises mid-service.
Children (Ages 4-Grade 6)
Each Sunday @ 9:15 AM, children meet in age/grade-appropriate classes. Afterwards, they join their family in the sanctuary. Part-way through the service, children are invited to attend Children's Church (Age 4 to Grade 5). Sunday nights, Kids4Truth Club meets @ 6 PM (Age 4 to Grade 6). Each summer, the older kids (Grades 3-6) spend a week at The Anchorage Christian Camp or at The Wilds Camp, depending on which camp the group attends that summer.
(Grades 7-12)
PULSE Teens meet twice a week: Sundays @ 9:15 AM and Wednesdays @ 7 PM for worship, preaching, prayer, and games. Each summer, teens spend a week at The Wilds Camp in the mountains of Brevard, NC.
(Ages 20's & 30's)
The STEPS group meets on Sundays @ 9:15 AM. Our nursery is available during this time for this group. STEPS also has frequent get-togethers for fellowships and outreaches.
LOIS Ladies meets for monthly fellowships; sometimes for a craft night, sometimes for dinner, and other times for other activities. Also, there is a Ladies for Christ class that meets on Sundays @ 9:15 AM. Annually, during the Ladies Conference at The Anchorage Camp at NC's Lake Waccamaw, our ladies develop deeper bonds with one another and come back refreshed and excited about their spiritual growth.
As the leaders of their families, we endeavor to encourage Bethel's men to live godly lives as they lead their families and others into a deeper/closer relationship with Christ. Our Men's Prayer Breakfasts give our men an opportunity to fellowship and bear one another’s burdens. They also attend an annual men's weekend event saturated with worship and messages geared for men to refresh their spiritual walks..
Primetimers encourage each other during monthly activities and outings, During the Fall, they travel via bus to The Wilds Camp in Breavard, NC for the annual Senior Adult Conference.
Growth Groups
Growth Groups meet on Sundays @ 9:15 AM.
Age 4-Grade 2, Rm. 219/220
Grades 3-6, Rm. 122
PULSE (Grades 7-12), Rm. 107
STEPS (20s & 30s), Rm. 118
Ladies for Christ, Rm. 121/123
Koinonia (Adults), Rm. 117/119
Grace Class (Ages 55+), Parlor
Discover Class*, Rm. 212
*Open to adults interested in learning about church membership.
Not offered year-round. Please call the church office
to ask when the next class is scheduled.
Opportunities to Serve
We love worshiping our Great God through song and music. Our choir and orchestra are comprised of
church family volunteers who enjoy using their gifts during our services. We also hold an annual Christmas musical each December. If you are a church member and would like to get involved or have questions about this ministry, please see our Music Director, Don Alexander.
Our services run smoothly due to the hard work and support of our fabulous A/V Team, who displays the week's announcements, coming events, song lyrics, and sermon outlines during all services. They also make sure sermons are available via livestream and our website. Our A/V Team members generously offer up their time and talents to help equip the saints and spread the Gospel in new ways. We greatly appreciate them!
We want to reach people with the truth and love of the Good News locally and worldwide. We are partners with more than 30 who share the love of Christ worldwide. Every few years, pastor and church family volunteers spend a week encouraging one of our missionary partners and providing in-person help with projects. Locally, we invite our Cary neighbors to visit our church through canvassing and visits.